my little pieces

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sarawak, Malaysia
i am made up of common things

Monday, June 7, 2010


I compare a glass to a heart.(Human heart literally, or feelings in words). Heart is as fragile and as transparent as glasses. We can see through glass even if it is layered. A coloured glass are no different from a pure crystallize glasses, and so does the heart. A broken glass, are unfixed able, and are losing all of its pure matter. ‘Heart’ too have no different, or it might be even worse. Words are sword that can break the heart. Action might do even worse. A broken heart seldom heal because it strike its surrounding (as if you step on a broken glasses)..hard to cure! And as in science, your internal organ takes longer to cure compare to what you have outside.

This post is confusing, isn’t it??lately, I’ve been distracted by lost of thing .my weight burdens me, I’m totally broke!(and I need stuff, clothing I mean),and my eating habits...are killing me. But I’m not anorexic! way too far from that..(I keep my food in the stomach. still!)...the boyfriend, seems so far away..and blab la bla..ahhhh back to the title, yahh all sorts are breaking my fragile lil glass inside..

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